Archives 2022

Free Web Site Evaluation

We offer a free review of your existing web site. We take advantage os several testing services available that inspect your site for non-compliance as well as internet protocol guidelines. We will look at it from several directions:

  • Technical Compatibility
  • Functionality of the site
  • Marketing

We will review your site free of charge, in some cases we will make recommendations that you can implement yourself. In other cases we would be happy to submit a proposal for repairing, or if need be, re-designing your web site

There is no obligation, it is free, painless and we do not put you on a mailing list

Is your current web site hurting you?

Having a Web Site does not always have the positive effect you were hoping for!

With technology and the web evolving at its current rate, it is no longer acceptable just to have a web site. It is at the point that just having a web site thrown up, or one that is out of date, can cause you more harm than good.

Many people will not do business with you if you do not have a web site, and that number is growing. But now, as consumers, your customers and potential customers become more web savvy, it is no longer just a space for you to throw information about your company in a find able form and expect them to come in droves.

How many web sites have you visited, found it to be a massive text page or huge slow loading pictures or confusing to the point you can’t get a simple answer and clicked out? Do you think your visitors would treat you any different?

Remember, today, right now, your web site is the largest and most available tool for shaping the image of your company to your customers (and potential customers). If your image is old and out of date, it will do more harm than good. You may be chasing away customers, some who have found you by way of other advertising that you have paid for.

Having a web site that looks old and out of date makes your company look old and out of date.

If your current web site is older than 2 years, you want to look at a facelift. If your site is older than 4 years, its time to trade it in! We all know what an old site looks like, does yours fit into that category?

Having a current, up to date site can do wonders for your image, your customer base and your bottom line.

And you really don’t need to break the bank with your site, it does however need to talk to your customers, it does need to look professional and it does need to work!